
[1 hour]

Life pushes us together and pulls us apart; we are constantly living in a state of change, however subtle. Hanging in the balance of me versus we, themselves weaves amongst four people in search of place and connection, and asks if we can ever fully know someone else, let alone ourselves. Building a world of redefined relationships, themselves questions our willingness and ability to be permeable.

presented by Citadel + Compagnie (Toronto, 2022)

creation: Emma Kerson in collaboration with the performers
performers: Rhonda Baker, Drew Berry, Molly Johnson, Sierra Chin Sawdy
sound design: Valerie Calam / Company Vice Versa
lighting design: Noah Feaver
outside eye: Susie Burpee
stage manager: Helin Gungoren
production and artistic collaboration: Jane-Alison McKinney

supported by Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Mocean Dance, adelheid, MOonhORsE Dance Theatre, Peggy Baker Dance Projects + Canada’s National Ballet School, The National Ballet of Canada’s CreativAction Programme, Lindy Green + Sam Chaiton, Citadel + Compagnie
